Training & Education Assistance

How to Schedule and Prepare for the HAAD Test?

haad test

Embarking on the journey to become a licensed healthcare professional in Abu Dhabi requires passing the Health Authority – Abu Dhabi (HAAD) test. This process involves several crucial steps, from ensuring eligibility to preparing for the exam and finally taking it. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key steps involved in scheduling and preparing for the HAAD test to help you succeed.

Eligibility and Application

Before scheduling the HAAD test, ensure that you meet all eligibility requirements and complete the application process.

Verify Eligibility

  • Educational Requirements: Confirm that you have the necessary educational qualifications relevant to your healthcare profession. This includes having a degree from an accredited institution.
  • Professional Experience: Ensure you have the required professional experience in your field. Most roles require at least two years of relevant experience.
  • Documentation: Gather all necessary documents, including educational certificates, professional experience records, and identification documents.

Complete the Application

  • Application Form: Fill out the HAAD application form accurately. This form is available on the HAAD website or at local HAAD offices.
  • Supporting Documents: Submit all required documents, such as your educational qualifications, professional experience records, and identification papers.
  • Submit Application: You can submit your application either online through the HAAD E-Licensing system or in person, depending on the instructions provided.

Primary Source Verification (DataFlow)

One of the critical steps in the HAAD test process is Primary Source Verification (PSV) conducted by DataFlow Group. This step validates the authenticity of your educational and professional credentials.

Verification Process

  • Submit Documents: Provide original copies of your degrees, certificates, and licenses to DataFlow for verification.
  • DataFlow Assessment: DataFlow will verify these documents with the issuing institutions or authorities to ensure they meet HAAD standards.
  • Follow-Up: Track the status of your verification through the DataFlow portal and address any issues or additional requests promptly.

HAAD E-Licensing System

The HAAD E-Licensing system is an online platform used to manage your application, schedule your test, and track your progress.

Accessing the System

  • Registration: Register for an account on the HAAD E-Licensing system if you haven’t already. You’ll need to provide your personal details and application reference number.
  • Navigation: Use the system to manage your application, check the status of your Primary Source Verification, and schedule your exam.

Scheduling the Test

  • Choose a Date: Once your application is approved and your verification is complete, log in to the HAAD E-Licensing system to select a suitable exam date.
  • Test Centers: Choose from available test centers and times. Ensure the location and timing fit your schedule.
  • Confirmation: After scheduling, you will receive a confirmation email or notification with details about the exam date, time, and venue.

Acquire Eligibility Identity

To take the HAAD test, you must acquire an eligibility identity that confirms your approval to sit for the exam.

Obtain Eligibility Identity

  • Eligibility Letter: Once your application is processed and verified, HAAD will issue an eligibility letter or identification.
  • Document Presentation: Ensure you have this eligibility identity when scheduling your exam and on the day of the test.

Prepare for the Examination

Proper preparation is key to succeeding in the HAAD test. Here are steps to help you prepare effectively:

Understand the Exam Format

  • Content Overview: Familiarize yourself with the format of the exam, including the types of questions (e.g., multiple-choice, practical scenarios) and the content areas covered.
  • Study Materials: Use HAAD-provided study materials, textbooks, and online resources to review relevant topics.

Practice and Revision

  • Practice Tests: Take practice exams to get a feel for the test format and identify areas where you need improvement.
  • Review Key Concepts: Focus on key areas related to your healthcare profession and ensure you understand essential concepts and procedures.

Study Plan

  • Create a Schedule: Develop a study plan that allows ample time for review and practice. Break down your study sessions into manageable segments.
  • Group Study: Consider joining a study group or taking preparatory courses if available to enhance your understanding and test readiness.

Day of the Examination

The day of the HAAD test is crucial. Proper preparation and adherence to guidelines will help ensure a smooth experience.

Pre-Exam Checklist

  • Identification: Bring your eligibility identity, valid identification (e.g., passport), and any other required documents.
  • Arrival Time: Arrive at the test center well before the scheduled time to complete any required check-in procedures.

During the Exam

  • Follow Instructions: Pay attention to the instructions provided by the test proctor and follow them carefully.
  • Time Management: Manage your time effectively during the test to ensure you complete all questions.


  • Results: After completing the test, await your results as instructed. Results are typically available through the HAAD E-Licensing system or via email.


Successfully scheduling and preparing for the HAAD test involves several steps, from verifying eligibility and completing primary source verification to preparing for the exam and following the procedures on the test day. Montgo Health can assist you in navigating this process by offering expert guidance and support tailored to your needs. By understanding each step and thoroughly preparing, you can enhance your chances of passing the HAAD test and achieving your goal of becoming a licensed healthcare professional in Abu Dhabi. Stay organized, follow the guidelines, and approach your preparation with confidence. Good luck on your journey to practicing healthcare in Abu Dhabi!

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